




来自骑行总监Kate Worsham

春季的骑马项目总是很繁忙, 所以在我们被《dt电子游戏app》冲走之前, 团聚之旅, 还有好几周的演出, I would like to share a bit about the adventures of the Foxcroft WEF Program during this past winter season.

第九年, 两个陪伴, 一群福克斯克罗夫特骑士, 他们的马收拾好行囊,搬进了惠灵顿的一所出租房子和谷仓, FL, 参加冬季马术节. While the program is designed to be riding intensive and allow the students to reap the benefits of repeated time training and competing each week, 它还旨在促进许多非赛马地区的发展. 

是否学着和其他六个人合住一间房子, 组织学术工作和辅导课程, 成功地购物和准备饭菜, 或者帮助照顾马匹, 学生有无限的机会发展成为一名骑手, 一个学生, 一个人. 很多次, I chuckled quietly while listening to the girls debating how to prepare dinner without possibly succumbing to food poisoning. 值得庆幸的是, we dodged that bullet due to well-timed discussions and interventions about expiration dates, 解冻肉类的安全方法, 煮熟的鸡应该是什么颜色, 剩菜可以连续吃多少天. 不可否认, 女孩们是比我更有冒险精神的厨师, and I was inspired by their willingness to prepare proper meals and try things that seemed like too much work and too many dishes to me. 

While sometimes I suspected the elaborate cooking displays were an attempt to avoid starting their homework, they all found their rhythm and developed methods for managing their time and figuring out how to complete their work, 根据需要与校园老师沟通, 并提前计划,根据他们的演出日程安排辅导课程. 和三个新生一起, 一个大二学生, 还有一个大三学生, I was pleased to see how the first-year participants asked for advice on how to send a message, 学会了优先处理什么, and figured out how to advocate for themselves when they needed more or less help in certain subjects or with a particular assignment.  

With a few house meetings to help steer things in the right direction in terms of shared chores and some reminders about how to keep our barn aisles tidy, 无论是在自家谷仓还是在表演摊位, 这个小组学到了很多关于拥有系统的价值, 预算完成任务的时间, and being organized so when there was a last-minute schedule change it was not a cause for panic. 

The thoughtfulness and work ethic of the students translated well into their riding, 他们在训练和比赛中取得了许多成功. 骑手们在跳台环上进行比赛,从比赛到比赛 .90m班到1.15m classes, as well as the hunter rings in the Low Children’s and the regular Children’s hunters. 

埃斯米维. 27年和她租来的马巴勃罗,还有P-Sky米. 27和她租来的母马, 花俏的, started off the circuit in grand form by putting two tri-color ribbons on the Foxcroft banner as they ended Week 1 as Champion and Reserve Champion, 分别, 跳楼训练 .90 39 & 在部门. 克洛伊J. 26年开始了一个富有成效的学习季节, 去了解她租的短期猎人, 塔伦蒂诺, and collected 一个8 place finish out of a large and competitive class in the Low Children’s Hunters during Week 2. 同时,米歇尔·L. ‘27 was connecting with a weekly lease horse named Diego, and after jumping a few rounds at the 1.0米的高度互相了解,他们就搬进了1米.10米少年跳远14及以下, 他们在哪赚到五分之一, 一个8, and another 5th in the Classic their first week competing together during Week 2 of the series. 

我们最老练的骑手和马的组合,Cierra C. 25岁,珍妮, started the season earning points toward the NAL and WIHS Finals for the fall of 2024 with a 5th place finish in their Week 1 1.15米少年跳远经典15-17. 这条丝带开创了这对二人组的潮流, 在他们展示的六周中,有五周他们继续拿起经典丝带, 包括在最后一周赢得精英赛. 

几个星期过去了, Esme and P-Sky continued to earn many ribbons and set their sights on moving up into the 1.0米青少年跳台, 他们在第五周轻松自信地做到了吗, with both riders getting ribbons in huge classes in that division their last two weeks showing. 作为一个额外的学习机会, P-Sky did a weekly lease during Week 3 on a jumper that we asked to play in the Low Children’s Hunters, 她在一个不错的班级里获得了第三名. Chloe continued to fine-tune her position and technique while allowing 塔伦蒂诺 to acclimate to the atmosphere at WEF by putting in solid rounds in the ticketed rings and still gaining valuable horse show mileage in the 2’6” USHJA and Low Children’s hunter classes.

We were able to extend the weekly lease on Diego and pair up with Jess Collins of Visionary Ventures to co-train Michelle for the season. 他们建立了牢固的伙伴关系, picking up numerous ribbons in the 14 and 在部门 before moving into the 1.15m Children’s Modified classes to get more time over the Classic course heights. 他们加了第三个, 12th, 6th, 第七名是他们在最后一周收集的经典丝带, 第八周, 在惠灵顿. Michelle also got to try her hand at the hunters for the first time while leasing a horse for the World Champion Hunter Rider festivities during Week 6. Although pace and contact were different than what she was used to in the jumper ring, 无论是在国外还是在美国, 她做得非常好,并以82分的成绩驾驶艾玛迪斯获得第四名.75岁的少年儿童猎人. 

塞拉坚持我们的比赛计划,在1.周六下午15点儿童改良班,然后是下午1点.15米青少年跳远比赛NAL/与经典15-17周日. 这个公式为她赢得了前面提到的经典奖, 两周的冠军, and one week of being Reserve Champion in the Children’s Modified division — no small feat considering she only ever entered two of the three division classes that counted toward the championship title each week. 这对现在准备他们的春季移动到1.20m classes and one more fall at the NAL/WIHS Finals during her senior year at Foxcroft.

Although earning top ribbons at a venue like WEF is always a significant accomplishment, the learning process and journey of self-discovery as a rider that leads to increased confidence, 无论是在职场上还是在职场上,都能获得新的技能, and the wisdom that comes from new experiences are the most valuable takeaways from spending January and February doing the Foxcroft WEF Program. 我很高兴这五位同学能参加这次冒险, and we look forward to continuing to utilize the School’s unique 非凡的能力 (EP) program to share this type of seasonal offering with future riders in the years to come. 

全部结果- WEF第1-8周 
A total of 22 clear round blue ribbons were earned by the jumper riders in their prep rounds.

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK - 1.15米少年跳远/经典15-17:第五
埃斯米维. ’27 & Pablo -训练跳线 .90m 39 & 下:第二、三、五; 训练跳投 .90 39 & 在冠军
P-Sky米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人-训练套头衫 .90m 39 & 下:第一,第七; 训练跳投 .90 39 & 预备冠军 

埃斯米维. ’27 & Pablo -训练跳线 .90m 39 & 下:2 
克洛伊J. ’26 & 塔伦蒂诺-低儿童猎人:第八名
米歇尔·L. ’27 & 空中珍珠Z - 1.青少年10米跳远14 & 下:5, 8th; 1.15米少年跳远/ 14米经典 & 下:5
P-Sky米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人-训练套头衫 .90m 39 & 下:4

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — Children’s Modified Jumper: 2nd; 1.15米少年跳远/经典15-17:第二名
P-Sky米. ’27 & 女王布松尼埃-低儿童猎人:第三 

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK -儿童改装套头衫:第一、四名; 儿童改装跳车冠军
埃斯米维. ’27 & Pablo -训练跳线 .90m 39 & 下:9 
米歇尔·L. ’27 & 空中珍珠Z - 1.青少年10米跳远14 & 下:7, 12th; 1.15米少年跳远/ 14米经典 & 下:3
P-Sky米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人-训练套头衫 .90m 39 & 下面:第2名,第12名

米歇尔·L. ’27 & Air Pearl Z — Children’s Modified Jumper: 7th; 1.15米少年跳远/ 14米经典 & 下:12
P-Sky米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人- 1.0米青少年跳远第7,第12

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — Children’s Modified Jumper: 1st, 5th; 1.15米少年跳远/经典15-17:第六; 儿童改装跳车冠军
米歇尔·L. ’27 & 艾玛迪斯-儿童猎人:第四名

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — Children’s Modified Jumper: 1st, 7th; 1.15米少年跳远/经典15-17:第三; 儿童改装跳车预备赛冠军
埃斯米维. ’27 & Pablo - 1.0米青少年跳远:第9,第9
米歇尔·L. ’27 & Air Pearl Z — Children’s Modified Jumper: 5th; 1.15米少年跳远/ 14米经典 & 下:6
P-Sky米. ’27 & MTM时尚达人- 1.10米青少年跳远:第10名、第12名 

Cierra C. ’25 & Generosa MK — Children’s Modified Jumper: 9th; 1.15米少年跳远/经典15-17:第一
埃斯米维. ’27 & Pablo - 1.100米青少年跳远:第三名
米歇尔·L. ’27 & Air Pearl Z — Children’s Modified Jumper: 12th; 1.15米少年跳远/ 14米经典 & 下:7